Friday 13 January 2012

Happy 2012!!!

Hey everyone! So I've been sooooooo quiet the last two months but its a new year and its going to be a rocking one! Last year was an awesome year, I accomplished a lot musically and my students all did abselutely awesome..big ups to you guys, you're great!! So I was on holiday for a few days and ofcourse I dragged my guitar with could I not???

But just enjoying my music I started thinking of what I wanted to accomplish in 2012 ?? What do I lack in terms of theory maybe? Scales? What techniques do I always avoid because they can get way too insane and besides I dont even use them! WrOnG! So now I have set some personal goals and not just for me, but with my developments, concerts comming up and a lot more social events..

SO! My question to you lot is...what do you want to achieve this year with your music?? What do you want to spend more time on?? Maybe some new songs?? Post them here and I will cover how to play them! Some lead guitar techniques??

Leave me your thoughts and comments and especially what you guys did in the holidays.

Happy Rocking guys

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